I'm trying to find the words...

I'm trying to find the words to express the level of desire I have to be great. When I say be great I'm not saying it for my own personal satisfaction, I mean I'm great for my mom, pops, sisters, brothers and nephews. I believe if you're reading this post, for the most part you think the same way. You want to be great so your parents can stop working extraneous hours at their job and worrying about health care and bills and retirement. You want to be great so your siblings and nieces and nephews have someone relative to look up to. You want to be great so you can provide options to the people who has limited their own capacity to be great.

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Its 5am in Btown(Bloomington Indiana) and I justfelt like someone needed to read that. Don't let fear of what things may change after you make it stop you from actively pursing you dreams now. As cliche' as this may sound, don't let your friends minimize your abilities, goals and dreams just because they don't agree on something that you like to do.

I feel that literally, whoever I come in contact with and establish a friendship with I will make money with. And not only cash, but also a lasting influence in their life to be great and stay great.

5am in Btown is a different post, because it's transparent. Transparent as in this is who I am. And knowing that brings you another step closer to greatness. I'm not selling false hopes nor facades I am here hopefully being inspiring and inspire you to be great which in return will inspire others.

I know this may not be the typical or normal post you would read, but what did you really expect to read from a title that says "5am In Btown"??

O yea #shoutout to all my 1st generation college kids. You are in a position of power, use it.

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Posted in Personal Development Post Date 11/09/2018






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